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BePU 6603 55 shore A soft polyurethane potting material

  • Low viscosity, long operating time
  • Excellent mechanical properties, good toughness
  • Excellent low temperature characteristics, excellent weather resistance
  • Excellent electrical insulation and stability
  • Good waterproof, moisture-proof, extremely low water absorption
  • Good adhesion to most metals and plastics


BEPU 6603A /B is a two-component solvent-free room temperature or heat-curable resin elastomer composition used for two-component sealing, potting, flame retardant, thermal conductivity and other fields.


Test items Units and conditions Test standards A / B
Appearance A Visual Visual Black/White viscous fluid
B Visual Light Yellow liquid
Viscosity A 25℃ mPa·s GB/T 10247-2008 600±100
B GB/T 10247-2008 1000±500
A+B GB/T 10247-2008 800±400
Density A 25℃ g/cm3 GB/T 15223-1994 1.0±0.05
B GB/T 15223-1994 1.15±0.05
Pot time 200g,25℃ min GB/T 10247-2008 60~100(up to100000mPa·s)
Mix ratio Weight ratio —- A : B=1:1
Initial curing time 200g,℃/h —- 25℃/24hr

Characteristics after curing

Item Unit or condition Test standard BEPU 6603 black
Hardness Shore-A GB/T 531-2008 55±10
Volume resistivity 25℃,Ω·cm GB/T 1692-92 1*1015
Water absorption 24hrs, 25℃,% GB 8810-2005 <0.2
Dielectric strength 25℃,kV/mm GB/T 1695-2005 22
Using temperature GBT 20028-2005 -50~120
Tensile Strength Mpa GB/T 528-2009 5
Elongation % GB/T 528-2009 180%
Shear strength Mpa, Fe-Fe GB/T 7124-2008 2.0
Thermal Conductivity W/m.K GB/T10297-1998 0.25
Dielectric constant 50Hz,25℃ GB/T 1693-2007 2.8
Linear shrinkage % HGT 2625-1994 1.2
Linear thermal expansion μm/(m,℃) GBT 20673-2006 200

It is used in communication equipment, transformers, control power supplies, and ignition controllers. And pouring of electronic sensors, etc.

How to use

  • Preheating: Place the device at 70~80℃ and bake for 1~2 hours. The temperature can also be reduced and the heating time can be extended to remove moisture from the device. Bepu 6603 has a higher viscosity at low temperatures, and the material can be preheated to 25°C~45° It is easy to use.
  • Mixing: Stir evenly in the original package of A, and then weigh the A and B materials in proportion. When stirring, use the vertical stirring rod and stir in the same direction clockwise (or counterclockwise) for 2 to 3 minutes. Note that the bottom and edges of the container should also be stirred evenly, otherwise there will be partial non-solidification.
  • Defoaming: The potting surface is required to be smooth and free of bubbles, and the mixture should be vacuumed (≤-0.1mpa) to remove bubbles. The dynamic deaeration of vacuum while stirring is more conducive to the removal of bubbles. For those using mechanical metering, mixing and potting, steps 2 and 3 are omitted.
  • Pouring: Pouring the mixture into the device. If the device has a complex structure and large volume, it should be poured in stages. The pouring bubbles can be blown by a hot air gun. Can eliminate surface blisters.
  • Curing: 25℃/24h, or 80℃/2h can be cured. The ambient humidity should be controlled at <70%, and the curing time should be extended as appropriate when the temperature is low.
  • In the case of insufficient curing time or low room temperature, it is normal for the surface to become sticky the next day, and it will gradually disappear after a few days.
  • The curing of potting glue is affected by temperature and amount of glue. The higher the temperature, the shorter the curing time, and the higher the amount of glue, the faster the curing speed.

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